Presentations & Corporate Services

Educational presentations are available on a topic of your choosing, or we can come up with a relevant and useful topic together for your employees, students, sports team, or social group. Presentation includes preparation of slideshow content, discussion questions and take-home materials.

Available in-person in Metro Detroit at your location or my demo kitchen at Healthspan in Grosse Pointe Farms, or virtually anywhere via Zoom.

Pro bono presentations available for public schools and charitable groups + events.

Corporate Wellness Services

There’s one thing higher performing organizations have in common: comprehensive wellness programs. Employers increasingly realize that investing in their employees is a successful business strategy. Employees that have access to resources that help them improve their wellness experience less stress and burnout, and are happier, healthier, and more productive. Corporate wellness and nutrition services are a great way to engage your workforce, improve employee satisfaction and health, improve your ROI and lower healthcare costs for your business.

Employee Counseling
Book one time or recurring services where members of your team can reserve a 30-60 minute one-on-one nutrition counseling session. You choose what day, what time block, appointment length, and whether this is done onsite during business hours or after hours, or virtually on the employee’s own time.

A minimum of 3 hours is required for booking this service.
Recurring services receive a discount when booked with a 50% deposit.
If services are provided onsite, you must supply a private room so counseling is HIPAA-compliant.
Employee information will not be shared with the employer per HIPAA rules.

Presentations + Lunch and Learns
Deliver a variety of nutrition topics to your team. I will prepare a presentation on a topic of your choosing, or help to conduct a needs and interest assessment so that your employees are satisfied. Presentations can be onsite, virtual or in my demo kitchen at Healthspan in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. Lunch and learns are also available where food will be provided, and menu will be based on the presentation topic.

Cooking Classes
In-person and virtual cooking classes are a great way to both educate your employees and engage in team-building. Classes are interactive and hands-on. You can opt for in-person classes at Healthspan in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, or virtually via Zoom.